CMC Register | What We Do
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What We Do

Specialists In Complimentary Therapy

Bridging The Gap : CMC Register

CMC Register is an international organisation that connects therapists and clients around the world.


We aid and support therapies and their standards of training in accordance with its codes of ethics and discipline.


We shares ideas, resources, and encourage the freedom of expression.


We promote the holistic values of complementary therapies.

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Yes, We Are Different.

Experience. Insights. Excellence.

CMC Register is an ‘International Organisation Register‘ for qualified & insured therapists. All CMC Members & Partners adheres to the ‘Code of Ethics & Disciplinary Procedures‘.

Knowledge, Experience, & Collaboration.

What We Do

CMC provides members with the latest information, resources, and meaningful networking opportunities. Our association advocates for the furtherance of the profession and connects members to the works of therapists around the world.
Training & Development

We conduct training and development depending on the requirements.

Research & Development

Research & Development is an integral part of what we do.

Partnerships & Collaborations

We welcome partners to collaborate on mutually beneficial projects.

Certifications & Accreditation

We provide certifications to both individual practitioners as well as training institutes.


We facilitate in providing world class education to learners across the globe.


We also provide consultation to individuals and small businesses to set-up their own practice.