CMC Register | Membership
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Welcome To The Fraternity

The CMC Register represents individuals and institutions who are dedicated to the therapy profession and who have an interest in promoting its growth throughout the world. Membership is comprised of: professional therapists, students, educational institutions, and related health professionals. Members of the CMC have continuous access to a wide array of benefits.

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Get Involved

Raise your professional credibility within the community and start on a clear career path that can help you achieve registration and accreditation. Develop your knowledge and skills throughout your therapy journey. Get access to good practice resources to help and guide your practice, including an online research journal to keep you up to date with the latest thinking. Get professional support as you need. Access to information and guidance in the members-only area of our website. Represent yourself and your profession to government bodies, opinion makers, employers, and the general public.

CMC Register - Membership
CMC Register - Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

Showcase the Professional Status within the community. Get insurance at best rates. Get additional client referrals. Get listed on the website. Receive regular updates via newsletters. Get a Certificate of Registration along with the right to use our logo. Get access to special membership area of website.
**You will be entitled to use the post-nominal letters “MCMC” after your name to signify your Full Membership of The Complementary Medical Council.**